This past weekend, I knew I'd be tired. Cody's schoolclass had a long wonderful hike up to Lindeman Lake (near Chwk Lake) planned for Friday. Never having been on the hike, I geared up just for a day of beautiful surroundings and unknown adventure!
The hike was even more than I imagined. I LOVED it! Somewhat strenuous for these 'gettin' old' bones, but in a good way. The lake was gorgeous, the company the best!
(I have pictures to share, but as today is a work day, I'll load them at a later time)
Anyway, I had to figure out what my weekend held before me. I knew I'd be tired on Saturday. so how did I want to spend my achy Saturday was my goal to figure out. Let's see... tired, aches, (I know, boo hoo), shall I tile a bathroom floor or sleep in, watch a movie, do a little sight seeing while I 'recoup?'
Was this even a contest?!? No. lol... I escaped to the campsite.
Was I tired the next day? Oh yeah. But first thing I did was stop feeling sorry for myself and got out on that beach in the AM for my morning speed walk. Whadda place to walk! Hard to believe that beauty surrounds us. Mountains, lake, other morning walkers. It's really a special place.
Now that I was wound up, it was time to figure out what else to do. So I hit a few amazing spots in Agassiz. I had read in the paper about these cool places in the area that offered you wonderful specialty lunches, antique shopping, you know, just a true girl's kinda day out. I was solo that weekend so I knew I could do this at my total leisure.
Going by memory and sure to get some names wrong without my literature I've handed to Janette already...
I visited Lindbert (sp??) Farms. They specialize in gourmet lunches, herb gardens, nice places to wander about. I wasn't disappointed. I ordered up curry chicken crepes with oven roasted potatoes, corn on the cob and a basil tomato salad and watched it being cooked up. Oh my... I love eating good food! The grounds to wander around were spectacular. There's a turkey coop to boot! Oh and I have a wonderful cooking tip to share. For the best ever oven roasted potatoes, cook your potatoes, then cut smaller, baste with olive oil and soy sauce and bake in the oven. They have the most lovely slightly greek flair to them. The three tiny chunks I was offered weren't nearly enough... *urp*
Then came The Back Porch. This place I visit regularly. They roast their own coffee beans (avail in many varieties), have a pottery shop (she works while you watch) a stache of antiques outside to browse through, and the coolest character buildings you've ever seen. There's even a feed dispenser so you can feed the chickens and goats. (Cody's fav part when he's with me) I donate for my sample exquisite coffee and wander the antiques and grounds there. Nice! I'm shopping for my renos after all.. yes, I am!
Then the Cheese Farm. (don't know the official name). I one I loved best was this soft white basil/goat cheese. They make all their cheese on site. Just a cool place to check out on a coolish day. My eye darted to the old farmwood furniture benches outside... yup, some extreme talent going on there. Trust me, when my eye goes for decorating rather than good food, you know it has to be really good.
Then the local thrift store. I was a good girl though. I had a couple things in my hand but I put them back before exiting the store. I had to tell myself, "And just WHERE do you think you will put this?!? In storage???" It's not the right time to shop yet. I'm still purging stuff. But at least I got in my small 'seek and find' excursion.
Then I got invited out for dinner at another campsite. I learned how to grill up asparagus (marinated in an oil italian dressing) and that alone inspired me to get my silly waiting waiting waiting bigger bbq just off my kitchen finally put together so I can try out my new culinary skills at home! Bob and Chris had done up a prime rib roast for dinner on the bbq. Oh my oh my oh my.... good eatin' that night!
The next day, I knew I wanted to get home fairly pronto. I wanted to buy some corn on the cob and get that in freezer bags before the corn was done and over with. But not before digging in and gutting the campsite in preparation for the upcoming winter. I even played with the idea of having time to tile some floor if I really got a move on...
I get home only to be welcomed by Janette inviting me to walk with her. So off we go! Corn and floor can wait... (I got my corn done when Cody was in the bath but no floor)
Anyway, it was a neat weekend of visiting what our area offers us. There are many hidden gems in Agassiz and Harrison. It's what keeps me going back for sure.
And now it's time to warp into Yarrow again. Anyone try the donair's yet at The Steam Kettle? They are fabulous...
Ok, back to the point of my post. Lindeman Lake and camping all have their place and diversity is indeed the spice of life. But now it's time to include renos to make things even spicier.
Dust kickin' time here I come!
New Upcycle Ideas 766
6 days ago